Active Ingredients and Disorders |
<div class="row" style="background-color: #f5f5f5;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-24"> <table id="" class="data-table" style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <th class="label">THE ACTIVE INGREDIENTS CONTAINED IN THIS FOOD SUPPLEMENT ARE USEFUL IN CASE OF</th> </tr> <tr style="line-height: 20px;"> <td class="data"> <a href="/nutritional-supplements/digestive-disorders">DIGESTIVE DISORDERS: stomach acid, gastritis, ulcer, esophagitis, hiatal hernias of stomach, meteorism (aerophagia), intestinal colic, colitis (spastic, ulcerative, chronic) irritable colon, neurovegetative dystonias </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-24"> <table id="" class="data-table" style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <th class="label">ACTIVE INGREDIENTS AND MEDICAL PROPERTIES </th> </tr> <tr style="line-height: 20px;"> <td class="data"> <p><strong> <a href="/the-herbs-book/ficus-charge-ficus"> FIG or FICUS CARICA</a></strong>: It is an ideal gastroprotector in the treatment of gastritis, gastric reflux and ulcers. It acts in stomach improving the hold of cardia (the valve that connects the esophagus and the stomach). It normalizes contractions and regulates the secretion of gastric acids. It is also used in disorders that originate from stress and emotional factors. </p> <p><strong> <a href="/the-herbs-book/iceland-lichen"> ISLANDIC LICHEN with 30% POLISACCARIDI </a></strong>: Icelandic Lichen is very rich in MUCILAGES, heterogeneous glycoproteins, which once in contact with water form plastic masses that act at various levels in the intestinal tract. Give Lichen an excellent GASTROPROTECTIVE action, as it allows the formation of a layer on the mucosa that acts as a protection against acids and irritants. It also stimulates intestinal regularity, promoting motility. Mucilages make the stool softer and, at the same time, absorb fluids in case of diarrhea. Lichen also acts as a tonic, promotes digestion and stimulates salivary and pancreatic secretions. </p> <p><strong> <a href="/the-herbs-book/licorice"> LICORICE with 19% GLICIRRIZIC ACID </a></strong>: The name means "sweet root" and, thanks to the action of GLYCIRRIZIC ACID, the plant is antigastric and antiulcerose. Licorice improves the levels of PROSTAGLANDINE, protective substances in case of inflammation, which helps the gastric mucosa by stimulating the production of mucus. A 2006 study showed that some components of licorice block the histamine H2 receptor, the same target that classic anti-ulcer drugs also act on (Kim DC, Choi SY, Kim SH, Yun BS, Yoo ID, Reddy NR, Yoon HS, Kim KT. Isoliquiritigenin selectively inhibits H(2) histamine receptor signaling. Mol Pharmacol, 2006 Aug;70(2):493-500). </p> <p><strong> <a href="/the-herbs-book/chamomille"> CHAMOMILLE with 3% APIGENINE</a></strong>: Although known as a mild sedative, this plant actually has a strong anti-inflammatory activity on mucous membranes, given by the action of APIGENINE, a flavonoid. It completes its action thanks to two important properties: it is emollient, so it gives relief in case of irritation of the mucosa; it is spasmolytic, that is, it acts as a sedative of the vegetative nervous system, so it stops the contractions and pains of the stomach and intestine. </p> <p><strong> <a href="/the-herbs-book/lemon"> LEMON Essential Oil</a></strong>: Lemon essential oil is a panacea for various diseases. As for the digestive system, it is an excellent stomachic, as well as an excellent carminative and vermifuge. Stimulates the pancreas and liver functions. Neutralizes gastric acidity, giving relief in cases of gastric reflux or hyperacidity. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div></div>