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Caterina Sforza de’ Medici has been, in 1400, the first ever writer of perfumed waters, cosmetics recipes and natural remedies. Thanks to her manuscript “Experimenti”, Florence became the world capital of perfume. Dr. Giovanni Di Massimo, renowned pharmacist and perfumer, derives inspiration from that maniscript and form this high-caliber epoch of Florentine perfumery, with an aim to resurrect and continue this rich historical legacy. All the fragrances and perfumes “i PROFUMI di FIRENZE” created by Spezierie Palazzo Vecchio are known and appreciated for their refinement, the intense use of natural raw materials and for their persistence thanks to the wise and generous use of base notes.
Eau de Parfum
Extrait: concentrate perfume
Discovery kit
Accord A-F
Flowery (Fresh)
Accord F-S
Discover your perfect scent
home fragrances
Room Diffuser
The AROMI della SPEZIERIE are fragrances created by us enriched with carefully selected natural aromas.The aromas give the fragrance originality and naturalness and make its ingredients easily recognizable to the sense of smell.The sticks that accompany the product are in natural rattan to complete the olfactory experience by spreading the fragrance with generosity and persistence.The bottle comes from Bohemia and brings with it an important part of our history, as they link back to the pharmacy where our brand was born from the idea and the will of Dr. Massimo. It has a Bohemian frosted glass neck and stopper just like the bottles of old pharmacies.We like the idea that these bottles, even when they no longer contain the fragrance, can remain in your kitchen with flour, pasta or spices, or in your living room with flowers … and we hope you like this idea too.
Room Spray
Scented Sachet for drawers
La COSMETICA FIORENTINA Dott.Di Massimo prepares innovative skincare products with highly concentrated plant-based active ingredients, paraben free, and dermatologically tested at the University of Ferrara Cosmetology Center. Products are further confirmed in testing not to contain heavy metals. No animal testing is ever used. Our products do not contain: Vaseline oils, Paraffin Parabens, Lauril Alchil-Sulfates Traditional chelating agents such as EDTA Synthetic antioxidants such as BHA and BHT. Instead We Use: A mixture of Benzyl Alcohol (a substance found in natural essential oils) Dehydroacetic acid (ECOCERT allowed preservatives) as preservatives A natural sequestering agent extracted from rice hulls called Phytic acid, which, in addition to the chelating and preservatives properties, acts as antioxidant, whitening, and soothing agent. A natural blend of Ascorbil Palmitate and free Tocopherol as antioxidant Ultra-delicate and skin like plant-based surfactants The production lab is certified ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 22716 and all steps of production respect the Cosmetic GMP
Face and eye contour
Face Creams and Serum
Lip Sticks
Cleansers and make up removers
Gift ideas
Gift ideas
Detergents and shower gels
Body Creams
Hand creams
Hair and Beard treatment
Bath salts
Bar soaps
Eye contour
Dry skin
Dark spots
Fine lines and wrinkles
Muscle treatments
Sensitive skin
Problematic skin
Dr. di Massimo has been a pharmacist since 1965 and he has been formulating food supplement since 1978 following three criteria: All the active ingredients present in the formulas are in the form of a dry extract and are high concentration titrants.Each formula contains more active ingredients that have been selected by the Doctor to have a synergistic and complementary action. The selected plant extracts were all present in the Italian pharmacopoeia and their documented effects.Fformulas are cyclically updated based on the results of scientific research published and possibly modified to offer a safe and cutting-edge product. Food supplements are not intended as drug substitutes, but as adjuvants in the treatment of clinical syndromes and aimed at maintaining the normal physiological functions of the organism. All the supplements presented in this catalog are notified to the Ministry of Health
Acne Rosacea
ACNE ROSACEA Description: Disease affecting adults, initially shows face skin redness that becomes persistent and more extended. In a second time you come to true acne rosacea with nodules and pustular folliculitis Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Bioflavonoids / Beta-carotene from CARROT – Anthocyanosides from BLUEBERRY – Vitamina C from ROSE HIP – Ruscogenine from RUSCUS ACULEATUS – Asiaticoside from CENTELLA ASIATICA – Iperoside form BIRCH – Licopene from TOMATO – Coenzyme Q10 – CHAMOMILLE and MARIGOLD for external use All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Typically, rosacea affects people between the ages of 30 and 50, which is why it is often referred to as “adult acne”. The cause of rosacea is unknown, but some people tend to develop this disorder.Typical symptoms include redness, visibility of small blood vessels and sometimes small pimples, which appear on the cheeks and nose. Rosacea that affects eyes (ocular rosacea) is often accompanied by rosacea that affects face. Symptoms of ocular rosacea can include inflammation of eyelids, conjunctiva, iris, sclera, cornea or a combination of these symptoms, which causes itching, the sensation of…
Dermatitis and allergic diseases
DERMATITIS Description: Dermatoses: keratosis, erythematous (sunburn), papulose, scaly, ulcerative, vesicular – Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp – Mycosis – Psoriasis – Eczema – Dyshidrosis – Hyperhidrosis – Itching and erythema of allergic nature Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: RIBES NIGRUM – OMEGA 6 : gamma linolenic acid from OENOTHERA – Vitamina C from ROSE HIP – Beta carotene from CARROT – Silica from HORSETAIL – CHAMOMILE and MARIGOLD for external use – Tea tree oil from MELALEUCA ALTERNIFOLIA – NEEM oil for external use All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Dermatitis consists of an inflammatory (immune) reaction of the skin, and manifests itself as an irritation. It can be triggered due to chemical, microbiological, viral factors, or it can be the consequence of a skin disease. If causes are allergic, it is atopic dermatitis; if they are autoimmune it is psoriasis.PERILLA, thanks to the flavonoids contained in its seeds, acts actively by modulating the level of immunoglobulins E (IgE), which naturally rise during an allergic reaction. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial as well as anti-reactive and sedative action on allergic attacks is also free…
Diabetes and hyperglycemia
DIABETES AND HYPERGLICEMIA Description: Type 2 diabetes and hyperglicemia Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Potassium from BIRCH – L-glutammine – Galegina Metformin from GALEGA – Anthocyanosides from BLUEBERRY – Chlorogenico acid from ARTICHOKE and ELICRISUM – Hyrosiacetico acid from GARCINIA – Bromelain from ANANAS – Papayna from PAPAYA – Inulin from CHICORY All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Diabetes is a disease characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels (hyperglycaemia) caused by the absence, deficiency of the quantity or biological efficacy of insulin, a hormone produced by pancreas, which stimulateing glucose intake in muscle and fat cells, decreases its concentration in blood. It is type I diabetes when the cause is autoimmune, that is, the immune system destroying the cells of pancreas gradually causes the total absence of insulin production. In this case the hormone must be administered from the outside through injections. In type II diabetes, however, the causes are often genetic associated with acquired factors, responsible for an insulin deficiency that is generally associated with a lower efficacy. To treat this type of diabetes, it is not…
Digestive disorders
DIGESTIVE DISORDERS Description: stomach acid, gastritis, ulcer, esophagitis, hiatal hernias of stomach, meteorism (aerophagia), intestinal colic, colitis (spastic, ulcerative, chronic) irritable colon, neurovegetative dystonias. Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: FICUS CARICA – Apigenine form CHAMOMILE – STAR ANISE essential oil – MARJORAN – Polysaccharides from ICELANDIC LICHENLEMON essential oil – Glycirrizic acid from LICORICECHARCOALFENNEL essential oil – PAPAYA – LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS (3 billion per tablet) – Inulin from BURDOCK – Chlorogenic acid from HELICRISUM – CUMIN All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Digestive tract disorders are complaints we frequently complain about. Often it is simply about poor digestion, occasional heartburn, mild nausea, bloating and constipation. However, if persistent, these symptoms could hide pathologies of a certain importance to be recognized and treated promptly such as, for example, gastritis and duodenal ulcer, liver stones or chronic colitis.An unexpected remedy to counter gastric disorders is LEMON essential oil: despite having an acid PH, lemon is a natural antacid, because the organic acids of which it is rich, in contact with gastric juices, lose the acid component and they transform into citrates and…
Anxiety and stress disorders
ANXIETY AND STRESS DISORDERS Description: stress and depression, insomnia anxiety, neurovegetative dystonia, nervousness, depression, anxiety, tachycardia, extrasystoles. Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Vitexin and flavonoids from PASSIONFLOWER – HAWTHORN E LINDEN – Rutoside form HOP – Concentrated Magnesium – 5-idrossitriptofano form GRIFFONIA – Concentrated BASIL – Hypericin form HYPERIC – Melatonin 1 mg – Protopine from ESCHOLTZIA All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page If we learn to listen to the weak signals of our body, when no pathological condition has yet occurred, phytotherapy can make a valuable contribution. The first manifestations of stress, anxiety, physical and mental weakness can benefit from an integrated approach that starts from how we feed ourselves, from the physical activity we do and from integration with active herbal ingredients. Trace elements are cellular nourishment: vitamins, minerals and proteins allow cells to perform all the functions that body expects of them. During the day, adaptogenic plants such as Eleutherococcus, Ginseng and Schisandra support the beneficial action of cortisol giving strength and psychophysical support, improve concentration, stimulate memory, provide oxygen to the muscles, are stimulants of the central…
Circulatory system disorder
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM DISORDERS Description: Venous vascular syndromes – Venous insufficiency of lower limbs – Varices – Varicose ulcer – Thrombophlebitis – Hemorrhoids – Arteropathies of lower limbs – hematomas Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Ruscogenine from RUSCUS ACULEATUS – Escine from HORSE CHESTNUT – Polyphenols from GRAPE VINE – Rutine – Vitmin C from ROSEHIP – Hyperoside from BIRCH – Asiaticoside from CENTELLA ASIATICA – Concentrated CYPRESSO extract – Concentrated HAMAMELIS extract – RESEVERATROL – poliyphenols from poligonum cuspidatum – Betacarotene from CARROT – Anthocyanosides from BLUEBERRY – Vitamina C from ROSE HIP – MARIGOLD and CHAMOMILE for external use – Gamma-linolenic acid from omega 6 – OENOTHERA – Tannins from WITCH HAZEL and CYPRESS All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Over the course of time and as a consequence of incorrect habits, pregnancies, heredity, hormonal problems, veins can gradually dilate, losing tone and elasticity. The blood struggles to return to the heart and tends to stagnate, especially in the distal areas of the legs (ankles first and then calves). This causes ailments such as heaviness in the lower limbs and in more…
Hepatobiliary disorder
HEPATOBYLIAR DISORDERS Description: liver cirrhosis, atonic gallbladder, hepatic colic, acute and / or chronic hepatitis, hepatosteatosis, gallstones, azotemia (accumulation of toxic metabolites), uricemia, dysbiosis Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Silymarin from MILK THISTLE – Chlorogenicand Cynarin from ARTICHOKE – Inuline from da DANDELION – Hyperoside from BIRCH – Schisandrina from SCHISANDRA – Hydroxycitric acid from GARCINIA – Galegine from GALEGA – Curcuminoids from TURMERIC – Apigenin da CHAMOMILE – Flavonoids from LINDEN All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Liver is the largest gland in the human body and performs important metabolic functions: it produces bile and promotes the transformation of absorbed foods, in particular through the emulsion of fats and the synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides. Furthermore, it is a real anti-toxin “filter” as its cells have useful characteristics to neutralize toxic substances, drug residues and dispose of metabolic waste. All this makes the liver a very vulnerable organ: viral infections, alcohol abuse, smoking, drugs, excess fat in diet can cause damage and dysfunction. Among these, the most common are liver cirrhosis, which is the effect of chronic inflammation of…
High blood pressure
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Oleuropein from OLIVE LEAVES – Concentrated MISTLETOE – Potassium and Hyperoside from BIRCH – Concentrated MAGNESIUM – Vitexin and Ruscogenine from HAWTHORN – Ellagic Acid From POMEGRANATE – Resveratrol from Polygonum Cuspidatum – Flavonoids from LINDEN – Tannins from WITCH HAZEL and CYPRESS – Protopin from ESCHOLTZIA All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page High blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood that is pumped from heart and the resistance of arteries to the flow of blood. Arterial hypertension often does not cause obvious disorders and, for this reason, many people do not know they are hypertensive, thus running serious health risks such as the possibility of manifesting events such as stroke, heart attack and kidney failure. Unlike what is generally believed, the increase in pressure with age is not physiological: it is possible to maintain blood pressure at optimal levels throughout life by following healthy behaviors. In limited cases, however, high blood pressure can be caused by the presence of another disease. In this case we speak of secondary hypertension. The diseases…
Hypercholesterolemia dyslipidemia
HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA-DYSLIPIDEMIA Description: alterations of the lipid curve (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.), arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Statins from YEAST RED RICE – Coenzime Q10 – OMEGA 3: alpha linolenic acid from LINESEEDS – OMEGA 6: gamma linolenic acid from OENOTHERA – Phospholipids from SOY – Amino acids: Levocarnitina – Hydroxycitric acid from GARCINIA CAMBOGIA – Cynarine da ARTICHOKE – Ginkgo Flavonoids from GINKGO BILOBA – Curcuminoids from TURMERIC – Ellagic acid from POMEGRANADE – Resveratrol from Poligonum Cuspidatum All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Dyslipidemia is a condition characterized by the presence of fat in blood in abnormal and dangerous quantities. It is an important cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.The most common forms of dyslipidemia are:– Hypercholesterolemia, ie an increase in “bad” cholesterol (LDL), which settles in artery wall causing atherosclerosis.– Low values of HDL cholesterol or “good” cholesterol. HDL cholesterol acts as a “sweeper” because it is able to clean arteries from excess fats, and the higher it is, the more the risk of cardiovascular complications is reduced.– Hypertriglyceridemia, i.e. increase in triglycerides in…
Intestinal disorders
INTESTINAL DISORDER Description: moderate or marked constipation Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Anthraquinone glycosides from FRANGULA – Reina from RHUBARD – Inuline from DANDELION – Cascarosides from CASCARA – Sennosides from SENNA LEAVES – ACIDOPHILUS from probiotics – Inuline from BURDOCK – STAR ANISE – FENNEL – CHAMOMILE – CUMIN All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Intestine is the last portion of the digestive system and is also called the second brain, thanks to the presence of a real nervous system present in the thickness of its wall. This is possible because the intestine is covered by a friendly bacterial flora (microbiota) formed by more than 400 bacterial species that carry out essential functions: -Synthesize different vitamins;– They regulate the expression of the immune system in the intestinal mucosa;– They support intestinal peristalsis;-Protect the intestinal mucosa, therefore the whole organism, from aggressions of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing the appearance of many infections Stress and poor nutrition can alter the bacterial flora and this imbalance can cause disorders such as diarrhea, constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, a disorder related to…
Menopause and menstrual disorders
MENOPAUSAL AND MESTRUAL DISORDERS Description: Irregular menstruation: amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhea Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Omega 6 gamma linoleic from OENOTHERA BIENNIS – SAGE essential oil – SOY proteins – Rutiea from HOPS – Vitexine from PASSIONFLOWER, – Flavonoidi da HAWTHORN – CYPRESS essential oil – CHAMOMILE essential oil – Concentrated Magnesium – Organic Silica from HORSETAIL – Vit.E e Vit. d3 – Rosavine and poliphenols from RHODIOLA ROSEA – Protopine from ESCHOLTZIA All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Menopause is a delicate phase in a woman’s life, in which the female organism is subjected to gradual changes. Normally during menopause there is a slower metabolism and a modification of the hormonal structure that causes weight gain, hot flashes and mood swings.SAGE and SOY proteins are rich in ISOFLAVONES, molecules that mimic the action of estrogen (female hormones). Precisely thanks to the presence of these elements – which help to rebalance the hormonal system – Sage has a positive effect in alleviating hot flashes (thanks also to its action on the regulation of the sweating process), and in acting on anxiety…
Muscle tears and tone
TONE AND MUSCLE TEARS Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Boswellic acids from BOSWELLIA ( Franckincense) – Harpagoside from DEVIL’S CLAW – Aminoacids: Acetilcarnitina – Magnesium, organic Calcium from HORSETAIL, Vitamin D3 – OMEGA3 from alfa -linolenic acid – LINESEEDS – Chondroitin sulfate – Glucosamine sulfate – Sodium Jalorunate – ARNICA and BOSWELLIA for external use – Muscolar Glycogen – Schisandrina from SCHISANDRA – Eleuterosided from ELEUTEROCCUS – Ginsenosides from GINSENG – Isoflavones from SOY proteins All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Muscle contractures can affect various points of our body and everyone can be victims of it, not only the elderly and not only the sportsmen. Wrong and sudden movements or overload of effort can lead to real traumas and injuries to the muscle, with consequent acute pain. A low intake of vitamins and minerals can also favor these situations, as it is precisely these nutrients that at the cellular level allow contraction and muscle movements.DEVIL’S CLAW is a plant, present in the European Pharmacopoeia, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. It acts as a typical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (NSAID),…
Physical and mental fatigue
PHYSICAL AND MENTAL FATIGUE Description: psychophysical fatigue can be caused by many factors such as study, work, antibiotic treatment, seasonal changes, emotional stress. Asthenia, hair loss, anemia and thinness are part of this disorder category Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Complex of vitamins and minerals in oligo form – Vegetable proteins – Magnesium – Organic silicic acid from HORSETAIL – ginsenosides from GINSENG – isoflavones from SOY proteins – concentrated MILLET – caffeine from GUARANA – Iron – Zinc – Selenium – schisandrina from Schisandra – Eleutherosides from Eleutherococcus All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page When symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, loss of attention and concentration or reduction of mood tone occur without identifying a specific medical cause, the cause can be linked to a nutritional deficiency. In these cases it is very important to integrate your diet with the right amount of VITAMINS: these, especially those of group B, actively participate in the reactions that nutrients undergo to be transformed into energy, thus reducing the feeling of tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B3, or Niacin, is necessary for the release of…
Rheumatic and osteoarticular disorders
RHEUMATIC AND OSTEOARTICULAR DISORDERS Description: Osteoarthritis or degenerative rheumatism such as lumbartrosis, gonarthrosis, coxartosis – Rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory rheumatism – Gout (Uric Acids) – Hyperuricemia or dysmetabolic rheumatism – Periarticular rheumatism: tendinitis, bursitis, tenosynovitis, fibrosites, periarthritis, etc. – Osteoporosis or osteopathy – cartilaginous alteration – Post-traumatic osteoarticular syndromes: bruises, fractures, etc. – Myalgia Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Boswellic acids from BOSWELLIA ( Franckincense) – Harpagoside from DEVIL’S CLAW – Aminoacids: Acetilcarnitina – Magnesium, organic Calcium from HORSETAIL, Vitamin D3 – OMEGA 3 : acido alfa linolenico from LINESEEDS – Chondroitin sulfate – Glucosamine sulfate – Sodium yhalorunate – ARNICA and BOSWELLIA for external use – Salicin from WILLOW – Flavonoids and Vitexin from PASSIONFLOWER – Apigenin from CHAMOMILE – MARJORAM – Niacin All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Osteo-articular pathologies represent one of the first causes of disability in the elderly, as they result from the aging of the skeletal system and in general have a chronic and disabling course. Among these pathologies, the most common associated with age is osteoarthritis, caused by a deterioration of bone cartilages,…
Sexual disfunction
SEXUAL DISFUNCTION Description: asthenia, sexual weakness and frigidity. Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Complex of vitamins and minerals in oligo amount – Vegetable proteins – SCHISANDRA – GINSENG – ELEUTEROCCUS – SPIRULINA – SOY proteins – DAMIANA – SERENOA – Ruscogenine from RUSCO All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page The decrease in sexual desire (or libido) is a problem caused by numerous physical and psychological conditions, which can affect both men and women. It is manifested by a reduction in the frequency and intensity of sexual desire, both spontaneously and in response to erotic stimuli. In women, the decrease in desire can also be highlighted with reactions, such as dyspareunias (painful intercourse) and vaginisms (non-voluntary spasms of the vaginal wall that make penetration impossible). Conversely, men may not be able to achieve or maintain a full erection (erectile dysfunction).The TURNERA APHROIDISIACA , known as DAMIANA, has aphrodisiac properties and helps in case of erectile deficit or premature ejaculation. Its use is also indicated in the treatment of psychic impotence. A 2009 Journal of Ethnopharmacology study confirmed that the plant…
Weight-related disorders
WEIGHT AND EATING DISORDERS Description: obesity, Cellulite, water retention, abdominal bloating Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Chlorogenic acid from GREEN COFFEE – Sinensetine from ORTOSIPHON – Vitexine from PASSIONFLOWER – Hydroxyhydric acid from GARCINIA – Bromeline from PINEAPPLE – Galegine from GALEGA – Papayna from PAPAYA – Asiaticoside from ASIAN CENTELLA – Hyperoside and potassium BIRCH – Escine from HORSE CHESTNUT for esternal use All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Weight control is a strategy for keeping us healthy and preventing future diseases. Achieving a healthy weight can help keep cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar under control; it can also help in the prevention of weight-related diseases (heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers). Eating too much or not practicing enough physical activity can cause weight gain: to maintain an adequate weight, calories ingested must be equivalent to the energy consumed, while to decrease your weight you will need to ingest fewer calories than you consume. Unfortunately, stress and sedentary life lead to taking an unbalanced diet and to favor the accumulation of fluids and body fat, while as…
Urogenital disorders
UROGENITAL DISORDERS Description: Cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, renal colic, kidney stones. Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Arbutine from BEARBERRY – COUCH GRASS extract – CORN STIGMAS extract – Sinensetine from ORTOSIPHON – Vaccinium vitis idae CRAMBERR – LYCOPENE from tomato – fat acids from SERENOA REPENS – SOLIDAGO extract – PUMPKIN SEEDS OIL All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Anatomical differences, in particular the different length of male and female urethra, also affect the appearance of problems affecting the urogenital tract. For this reason women, having a relatively short urethra, are also more subject than men to the rise of urogenital tract infections.Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria, by penetrating through the urethra (the conduit that carries urine from bladder to the outside) proliferate and multiply in the urinary tract. Bladder infection, called cystitis, is the most common type of urinary tract infection, characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination urgency and burning when urinating. Most of these infections are caused by Escherichia coli (bacterium normally present in the intestine which, through the skin of…
Weak immune system
WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Curcuminoides from TURMERIC – LYCOPENE – from TOMATO – Poliphenoles from RODHIOLA ROSEA – Resveratrol from POLIGONUM CUSPIDATUM – Ellagic Acid from POMEGRANATE – Coenzime Q10 – Vitamin A, Vitamin C e Vitamine E from fruit and vegetables – Minerals: Zinc, Copper and Selenium All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Supporting the full efficiency of the immune system is essential to protect health and well-being at any age and under any circumstances. To do this it is essential to follow a healthy and balanced diet, practice moderate physical activity regularly, avoid situations of stress and psychophysical fatigue, rest sufficiently and, last but not least, maintain a positive attitude towards life, because it has been shown that even the tone mood affects the body’s immune defenses to a significant extent. The vitamins for which evidence of useful action has been collected in terms of immune defenses are mainly C, A, E, D, B6, B9 (folic acid, whose integration is strongly recommended in pregnancy) and B12; among the microelements are, instead, advantageous results zinc,…
Viral infection disorders
VIRAL INFECTIONS AND FLU DISORDERS Description: Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Sore throat, Cough, Bronchitis also of an allergic nature, Asthma also of an allergic nature, Cold, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Earache Natural active ingredients for disorder prevention and control: Vitamine C from ROSE HIP – Bioflavonoids from fruits and vegetables – PROPOLIS – RIBES NIGRUM – Echinacoside from ECHINACEA – THYME – MINERALS: Zinc and Copper – Coenzime Q10 – EUCALIPTUS – Acetylcysteine – ENULA CAMPANA – ICELANDIC LICHEN – DROSERA – GRINDELIA – Polifenols from RHODIOLA ROSEA – Curcuminoides from TURMERIC – Cinnamon – Cloves – Salicin from WILLOW Flavonoids and Vitexin from PASSIONFLOWER – Apigenin from CHAMOMILE – MARJORAM – Niacin All the above mentioned active ingredients have been included in the formulation of the food supplements listed at the end of this page Flu disorders are all united by a need to stimulate immune system to react adequately to the ongoing infection. There are numerous clinical studies that demonstrate the activity of ECHINACEA on the immune system. These studies show that it increases phagocytosis by macrophages, which are the blood cells responsible for englobing and destroying viruses and bacteria during infections. It also stimulates the production of T lymphocytes, cells that participate in…
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