
Gourmand Scent
Please refer to our Distributors and/or Resellers to buy this Perfume. The price of this product may have significant variation country by country based on import taxes and shipment costs. If no Distributor or Reseller is listed for your country please contact

Packaging: 10 ml


Research, development and innovation has always been a top priority for Spezierie Palazzo Vecchio and Dr. Di Massimo has been inspired by the city of Florence for the development of the scent line i Profumi di Firenze. In fact, already in the Renaissance Period, with CATERINA DE ‘ MEDICI and her PERFUMERS, called MUSCHIARI, Florence was considered the world capital of perfume.
By leveraging his own research laboratory he realized a highly qualified crafted product line and, in all these years he managed to produce almost 80 scents who are known as ACQUA MIRABILI ODOROSE DI FIRENZE ® which is also a Registered Trademark. Spezieria also decide to trademark 3 additonal Scents among its large production which are the most appreciated and loved by the customers: L’Uomo di Pitti ®, Senza Fine ®, Sapore di Mare ®.

Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg
Piramide Olfattiva

<strong>Main Accords: </strong> GOURMAND <br> <strong>Olfactory Pyramid: </strong> <br> TOP: <br> HEART: Thrush, <br> BASE: Vanilla Cream
